Oly - Novated Lease Application

Web & Mobile Design, UX/UI, Wireframing, User Testing

This was a fast paced project for McMillan Shakespeare Group (MMSG), working within a tight team of UX designers at Bound to create a novated car leasing solution geared for a new market segment. Using MMSG’s foundational website remserv.com.au and a beautiful modernised brand, we worked on designing a new digital interface for a consumer friendly novated lease application service.

We collaborated closely with MMSG’s internal teams to redesign the financial application process, applying the new Oly brand and tone of voice throughout the designs. To test and validate the usability of the new design concepts, we conducted several rounds of user tests, iterating our designs where it was possible within the timeframes, and using Lookback and Miro for gathering and syntheses of data.

We were very proud to contribute to start of the new brand offerings and website.

Visit the Oly webpage here! https://oly.com.au


Little World Academy